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Legal Information

Company Information

SimplyFixIt company information, including legal names, the address of the registered offices and company numbers.

Privacy Policies

Your privacy is important to us. So we've developed a Privacy Policy that covers how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your information. Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with our privacy practices.

Cookie Policies

An explanation of what cookies are and what cookies uses.

In-Store Retail — Policies

These policies cover items that are purchased in-store at any of our SimplyFixIt Repair Centres. They may help you understand what to do if the item is faulty.

Purchases made on — Policies

These policies cover purchases that were made online on the SimplyFixIt website, either directly or through a third party website. it does not cover repairs or other services.

In-Store Repair — Policies

These policies cover items that are repaired in-store at any of our SimplyFixIt Repair Centres.

Repairs Booked on — Policies

These policies cover repairs that were booked online on the SimplyFixIt website, either directly or through a third party website.

Mobile Shield™ Subscription Plan Terms & Conditions

These Terms & Conditions cover Mobile Shield Warranty plans that are paid as a monthly subscription.

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