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SimplyFixit Pays the Living Wage

is the 20th anniversary of Ideal Computing (the parent company of SimplyFixIt) starting as a business. We opened our first actual shop in Morningside, Edinburgh, in 1997 but for many months before then we sold computer parts and upgrades at local computer shows. That was a big thing in the late 90s.

Over time we saw that more and more customers wanted support from us, even if they had purchased their computers elsewhere. So we developed SimplyFixIt. In 2006, we opened our second shop, in Juniper Green, and now in 2016 we have 8 shops including 1 in Glasgow.

To mark our 20th birthday we wanted to give something back to our team. So, in April 2016, SimplyFixIt became a Living Wage Employer. The Living Wage aims to establish a basic standard of living for workers across the UK and SimplyFixIt is committed to ensure that anyone who works for us earns enough to live. That includes part-time employees, apprentices and people under the age of 25.

First Computer Repair Company

SimplyFixIt are now the first computer repair company in Scotland to commit to paying their employees the Living Wage. This wage is currently a minimum of £8.25 per hour, with pay-rises determined by the Centre for Research in Social Policy based at Loughborough University. They use a cost of living calculation to devise the right rate.

There is a misconception that working for a smaller company, rather than a giant like Apple or PC World, automatically means you are lower paid, but this is certainly not always the case. We are committed to ensuring that our employees share in our success. This doesn't just mean better pay, but also qualifications from Apple & Microsoft - the 2 companies that dominate the computer world.

Living Wage

What’s the difference between the Living Wage and the ‘national living wage’ ?

In July 2015, the UK government announced a new minimum wage rate for people aged 25 and over and they called it the ‘national living wage’. It will be introduced in April 2016 at £7.20 per hour and will rise to around £9 per hour by 2020. This rate is only applicable to those aged 25 and over; it is one uniform rate across the UK without a London weighting; and it is not calculated using a cost of living analysis. Moreover, it’s the law, so paying it is a simple obligation for employers not a badge of responsible leadership. The voluntary Living Wage is applicable to all over 18; has a London weighted rate; and is calculated according to the cost of living. Paying it shows that an employer wants to go above and beyond basic legal requirements in order to invest in its people, help end in-work poverty and reap business benefits.

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