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Windows 7 users urged to uninstall update that causes Blue Screen of Death

A number of PCs running Windows 7 were bricked after installing the MS14-045 update, which was one of nine released on August 12th, 2014.

Microsoft is now urging its customers to uninstall the security update, which users say has caused the Blue Screen of Death.

The update was designed to fix three separate flaws. The most severe being a vulnerability that could allow ‘elevation of privilege if an attacker logs on to the system and runs a specially crafted application’.

Just hours after its release, users reported that the update had generated a stop error, infamously known as the Blue Screen of Death on a number of Windows 7 PCs running a 64-bit version of the operating system.

At the time of writing 101 users have reported the same problem on a post over at Microsoft's community blog.

"Microsoft is investigating behaviour associated with the installation of this update, and will update this bulletin when more information becomes available", explained the company in the revised MS14-045’s Update FAQ.

"Microsoft recommends that customers uninstall this update. As an added precaution, Microsoft has removed the download links to the 2982791 security update."

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