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Slow Computer

There are many reasons for computers to run slowly. Worst case is that there might be a piece of the computer that is faulty, but the computer itself is trying its best to work through it. But normally it is due to the computer getting clogged up with old programs, and low-level computer viruses.

These viruses, sometimes called Malware, run in the background and monitor your internet activity. They send information back to the main computer about your habits, e.g. where you shop online, what websites you visit, where you do your online banking. Sometimes they may even capture your banking details or your credit card numbers, so it is very important to remove them. The unfortunate thing is that most Anti-Virus programs do a great job of catching the big viruses but all it takes is for 1 of these Malware programs to get in and they spread around your computer.

What is a Computer Tune Up / Speed Up?

We'll check to make sure your machine is running at peak performance. We do this by checking various parts of your machine, removing old applications and slimming down your startup process. We also make recommendations on software that could be changed and hardware that can be upgraded.

SimplyFixIt will SuperCharge your computer so that it runs as fast as the day you got it. So if you're thinking that it's time to replace your current laptop with a new one because it's too slow — WAIT!


There is only so much a Computer Tune Up / Speed Up can do, you may need some memory or additional upgrades so we'll make some suggestions but there is no pressure, its entirely up to you! There may be additional service charges as well as cost of parts, but it's always optional.

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